Sunday, October 14, 2012


Its Fall... Its Halloween... its pumpkin season... I love it! So we found pumpkins, I mean like big pumpkins for $2.99  at our local Aldi's. My friend found them while she was out and of course we both ended up with 5 pumpkins each. So they came over and we decorated/ carved pumpkins on Wednesday. 

They are super cute. I love all the pumpkins on my front porch! It just makes more excited about FALL and then CHRISTMAS!
My baby girls pumpkin, I love the OWL! She did a good job until her hand got tired of using the push pin to trace the pattern which was when she finished the first EYE! Yep it is all great and fun and the best time until they have to do the work right? Hubby and I decided we aren't even taking her out to trick and treat this year. For one, neighborhoods are nothing like they used to be and second, we will get down one street and then she is tired and ready to go home. It has never been about the candy for her. She loves the costumes and the movies and the pumpkins till they become work but Halloween is nothing like I remember when I was younger. They are kids that are not even dressed up running around getting candy and did I mention they are like 16! Seriously.... you are killing it for all the kids trying to be kids!

My pumpkin.... I painted it white with just $2 paint from Wal-Mart, added some left over flowers I had from  the fall wreaths I made last week. Hand painted a B and tada! I like it... nope I love it! I love doing different things every year. Last year I did a B out of black buttons but the craft glue did not stick and by the time Halloween rolled around it was just a pumpkin with a bow. So I had to try something else this year.  

 Happy Fall!